Essential for maintaining equipment, such as piping, heat exchangers and boilers,Water treatment agents Essential for maintaining equipment, such as piping, heat exchangers and boilers,Water treatment agents

Water treatment agents are essential for maintaining equipment, such as boilers and heat exchangers, as well as piping such as water supply systems, hot water systems, hot-and-chilled water systems and coolant systems, coolant circuits for air conditioners and hot-and-chilled water circuits.
Our products prevent corrosion and scale damage before it occurs, thereby ensuring hygienic water quality and saving energy and resources.

Corrosion inhibitors/rusty water preventers

Rinclar series

Rinclar OK / Rinclar OKL / Rinclar K

* Rinclar is a registered trademark of RIN KAGAKU KOGYO Co., Ltd. in Japan.

Overview These products inhibit metal corrosion in water supply systems and hot water systems, thereby making it possible to prevent rusty water from occurring and ensure hygienic water quality.
Application Corrosion inhibitor for water supplies
Shipping options Steel drum: 20kg net (except for Rinclar SP, which comes in a 5 gallon drum with a polyethylene inner lining: 25kg net)

Rinclar G

* Rinclar is a registered trademark of RIN KAGAKU KOGYO Co., Ltd. in Japan.

Overview By protecting metal from corrosion in coolant systems and hot-and-chilled water systems, and making it difficult for scale etc. to form, these products enable equipment to be operated in a way that is energy-efficient.
Application Agents for preventing corrosion and scale for coolant systems and hot-and-chilled water systems
Shipping options Bag-in-box: 20kg net