Chemical polishing fluids for aluminum alloys,Metal surface treatment agents Chemical polishing fluids for aluminum alloys,Metal surface treatment agents

The Clean Bright series are chemical polishing fluids for aluminum alloys and so. These polishing fluids are based mainly on phosphoric acid, blended with a brightening agent and a nitrous acid gas inhibitor. These products produce results that rival electrolytic polishing. It is also possible to achieve an excellent specular gloss.

Chemical polishing fluids

Clean Bright #1 / Clean Bright #2

* Clean Bright is a registered trademark of RIN KAGAKU KOGYO Co., Ltd. in Japan.

Clean Bright #2
Shipping options for the Clean Bright

Overview These products release very few noxious gases such as nitrous acid gas, resulting in a better work environment. These products are also economical, consuming very little nitric acid. These products have an excellent polishing performance that rivals electrolytic polishing, thereby shortening polishing times.
Application Lustrous finish for aluminum and aluminum alloys

Milky white finishing agent (Alkaline etching agent)

Clean Bright P#700A

* Clean Bright is a registered trademark of RIN KAGAKU KOGYO Co., Ltd. in Japan.

Overview This product enables even objects with complex shapes that cannot be finished using mechanical methods to be easily finished to a milky color using just a simple soaking process.
Application Alkaline etching agent for aluminum and aluminum alloys

Coloring agent

Clean Color #2

* Clean Color is a registered trademark of RIN KAGAKU KOGYO Co., Ltd. in Japan.

Overview This product can be used to achieve a coloring that is in harmony with the lifestyle environment of Japanese people. Even small items with complex shapes can be easily colored to a bronze tone.
Application Stainless steel coloring used in building fixtures (such as crescent-shaped locks and hinges), electrical components, housewares and writing materials